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Monday, December 6, 2010

Arthur Moats sprains the shoulder of Brett Favre

Arthur Moats a linebacker of the Buffalo Bills hit Brett Favre the quarterback of the Minnesota Vikings in the back and sprains his shoulder in the motion of throwing to an open receiver. Brett Favre has had many injuries in his 20 years of playing like ankle sprains etc. But this was his first shoulder sprain. Brett Favre is known to play through injuries but this time they will send out Tavaris Jackson for the next game as well as win them the game they were playing and won 38-14. Tavaris Jackson got a total of threw 22 times during the game and his players caught 15 of them to add up to a total of 187 passing yards and 2 touchdowns thrown by Tavaris Jackson. At this rate Brett Favre is expected to be a free agent next year cause this 41 year-old seems to be to old for the Minnisota Vikings. The fans think that Tavaris Jackson is going to start every game during the next season.

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